Forever Young – Writing for All Ages

120 Minutes
Cinematheque TLV Theatre 4
15.8.2024, 14:30

Forever Young – Writing for All Ages

120 Minutes
Cinematheque TLV Theatre 4
15.8.2024, 14:30
In collaboration with the Screenwriters' Union and KAN Educational TV, this event offers a glimpse into one of the most prolific and high-quality content creation branches in Israel: writing for children and youth. In recent years, this content has not only built a thriving industry but also served as a tremendous springboard for young creators aspiring to enter the world of cinema and television. We will discuss with our participants why they chose to create specifically for younger audiences, how they translate their personal content worlds for a young audience, and how they manage to captivate and interest adult audiences alike. Participants:  Nadav Frishman ("Checkout," "On Our Own");  Dror Weidman ("My Nephew from Hell," "Gav Ha'Uma"); Chen Kleiman ("Kol Od Ba'levav," "HaPijamot"); Shani Melamed ("Alifim"). This panel will be hosted by the screenwriter and actor : Ilan Rozenfeld.
Forever Young – Writing for All Ages