Patient 10867

7 Minutes Australia
Cinematheque TLV New Media Space
15.8.2024, 17:00-21:00
16.8.2024, 11:00-17:00
17.8.2024, 12:00-20:00

Patient 10867

7 Minutes Australia
Cinematheque TLV New Media Space
15.8.2024, 17:00-21:00
16.8.2024, 11:00-17:00
17.8.2024, 12:00-20:00
A VR experience shot entirely in the confines of a hospital room. The story unfolds events from the audience’s life through the audio and visual projections and soundscapes guided by a single ethereal character
Director: Maddison Kelly
Production: Maddison Kelly
School: Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Lead Artist:Yasmin Spargo
Year: 2023