Short Animation 2024

120 Minutes
Cinematheque TLV Theatre 4
18.8.2024, 15:00

Short Animation 2024

120 Minutes
Cinematheque TLV Theatre 4
18.8.2024, 15:00

The annual "short animation" pitching event.
Where do we go from here? How can we express our feelings uniquely in a time like this? “Short Animation” project by The Makor Foundation for Israeli Films (NPO) in collaboration with TISFF is proud to present  its 7th annual Short Animation project.

This year, seven Israeli animation creators will showcase their original proposals for short animation films before a panel of judges and the TISFF audience. Out of these seven proposals, two will receive a production grant of NIS 150,000 each. The completed films will be premiered at the opening ceremony of TISFF 2025.

Entry to the event is free, but based on ticket reservation. To reserve your ticket, press here

Short Animation 2024