Student Film Labs – Fiction

120 Minutes
Cinematheque TLV Theatre 2
15.8.2024, 12:30

Student Film Labs – Fiction

120 Minutes
Cinematheque TLV Theatre 2
15.8.2024, 12:30

Pitching Event of The Student Film Labs.
CoPro, in collaboration with the Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival, has selected 8 student projects for its prestigious Student Film Labs - Fiction. These emerging filmmakers will participate in several workshops designed to familiarize them with international standards.

The labs' crowning event is the Student Pitching Forum, where industry decision-makers scout for young Israeli talent, and filmmakers can assess their projects' international marketing potential. The Pitching Forum will take place at the Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival 2024.

Entry to the event is free, but based on ticket reservation. To reserve your ticket, press here

Student Film Labs – Fiction