Oshrit BittonFestival Director
Daniel GatFestival Director
Or HabushaProduction Manager
Nitzan KimelHospitality Department
Shai SkiffTechnical Director
Omri Shadar InspectorDirectors of the International Competition for video art and experimental cinema
Shiri BenmosheDirectors of the International Competition for video art and experimental cinema
Etel PrezumentDirector of The Israeli Competition
Omry TsdakaDirector of The Israeli Competition
Mika HashinDirector of the International Competition
Yoav GevaDirector of the International Competition
Yuval Ben TzurDirector of The Short Independent Competition
Amit VakninDirector of The Short Independent Competition
Yahel Assaraf Director of The Film Bus Project
Yuval Lubezky hessWoman short film lab
Inbar MarmelshteinProducer of short animation